Design Technology UX

The Future of User Authentication: Biometrics vs. Passkeys

The digital age has brought a complex landscape of security threats. Traditional password-based authentication, once considered sufficient, is now increasingly seen as a weak link in the security chain. As cyberattacks grow in sophistication, the demand for robust and user-friendly authentication methods has never been higher. This is where passkeys and biometric sensors come into […]

Day-to-day work Hardware Technology

Transitioning from Cloud Hosting to Self-Hosting

Thanks to advancements in fiber optic Internet technology, symmetric speeds have become commonplace, allowing users to stream video and play games without experiencing lag. My journey with Cloud Hosting began in 2018 when I found that my web hosting plan with GoDaddy couldn’t meet my needs. I required the ability to host multiple sites and […]

Day-to-day work Hardware Productivity Technology

My Home Network from anywhere with OpenVPN

As a Product Designer with a deep interest in technology, I am constantly looking for ways to optimize my digital workflow. Over the years, I’ve accumulated a significant amount of data, some of which was stored on outdated optical media like CDs and DVDs. To ensure the safety of these files and streamline my access […]

Hardware Technology

The Sound of Silence

This is a tale about hardware and how I ventured to open my desktop PC to install a new cooler fan. On a hot summer day working from home my attention was deflected to the noisy cooler fan of my computer. The blades were spinning wildly, in part due to the high ambient temperatures. I’ve […]

Dev Technology

Installing Compass on macOS Catalina

Upgrading a Mac Operating System to a newer version brings a lot of cool new features, but it can also bring some compatibility issues. I ran into this problem after formatting the MacBook Pro with a clean install of macOS Catalina. But I think it can also occur when upgrading straight from High Sierra (previous […]


HestiaCP on Amazon Lightsail

Hestia Control Panel, better known as HestiaCP is an open source web hosting panel to manage your web sites, your email server and more. Its source code is based on VestaCP and comes bundled with many fixes and security updates that the former panel lacks. If you have ever tried VestaCP before, you already know […]

Day-to-day work Technology

Monitoring, a good habit to solve incidents

This is a tale of an incident, one of many that people from the IT world go through everyday. A couple of weeks ago I noticed a roughly 10 MB decrease in the upload speed of my Internet connection. It was the first time that I experienced such a decrease with my ISP over a […]


A self-hosted blog born in quarantine

UPDATE (March 9, 2024): I’ve made some updates to the configuration of my self-hosted blog. Discover the details here. I’ve always been fascinated by machines and how they work: from airliners to vessels, trains, and even the Internet. Machines that work uninterruptedly and are interconnected by fiber optic cables running below the streets, roads, and […]